Are you tired of constantly living in fear and worry?

Tired of worrying about the safety and security of yourself, your family and more importantly your children? Tired of enduring sleepless nights worrying about intruders climbing over the fence or breaking into your home? Tired of worrying about suspicious vehicles driving past your home, or random people walking past your house?

HOME should be a safe place!

Each day, as we live and work and move throughout Port Moresby, we are on constant alert for for the first signs of trouble. In addition to security and safety, we are constantly anxious and stressed about water and power supply. We have become so accustomed to living like this, that it has become ‘normal’ and ‘expected’.

Imagine returning home to Skyview at the end of another ‘normal’ day living in Port Moresby… and leaving those troubles behind, knowing you are safe and secure and don’t have to worry about water and power issues…

This doesn’t have to be a ‘dream’… we CAN make this a reality!

Become a Financial Member -

Become a Financial Member -

As a Financial Member, you reflect the values of a true leader and HERO within the COMMUNITY!

Your funds go directly toward improving the safety and security, not just for yourself and your family, but for the entire community!

Your contribution will ensure the SEHOA is able to provide effective 24 hour-7 day a week security services. Your contribution will also go toward improving infrastructure and common areas and facilities such as a playground, footpaths, speed humps, crossings, etc.

For more information about the annual HOA Fee and Bank Account information, click below.

As a Financial Member, you have access to special benefits…

  • The right to vote on important topics or issues impacting the community, the right to vote for their choice of Executive Committee members.

    Frequently Asked Question: I am a Skyview property owner (homeowner) but have not paid my annual HOA fee. Why am I not allowed to vote?

    Answer: The Executive Committee is responsible for transparently managing the finances of the SEHOA. These finances are generated from the annual HOA fee, that is paid by all Financial Members. Homeowners that have paid their fees earn the right to vote for the individuals they trust to manage the money they have contributed. For this same reason, only Financial Members can be nominated and elected to sit on the Executive Committee.

  • The annual Financial Reports of the Skyview Estate Homeowners Association (SEHOA) are prepared each year, and presented at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Security support is prioritized for Financial Members when entering and exiting the estate, during routine security patrols and if and when a need arises at any time.

    Financial Members are allocated unique material to easily identify and prioritize their needs eg. FREE "Member" Vehicle Stickers "Member" Property signs.

  • Financial Members are provided FREE Member Vehicle Stickers and special discounts to purchase additional stickers. In 2025, this will also include property signs, identifying Financial Members.

    In the near future, the SEHOA aims to also provide Financial Members free/discounted support for Property Sec/Lot signage, Mail Boxes, 'Gate' Door Bells, Security Cameras, etc.

  • Financial Members are given priority to participate at community events FREE or at a special discounted fee.

    They will also be allowed to list their business or service for free on the SEHOA's Annual Supplier/Service Database which aims to provide all homeowners a go-to-list for service providers.

  • As a Financial Member, you have the opportunity to build and strengthen your personal and professional networks with other homeowners.

    You have the opportunity to attend and participate at Annual General Meetings, Townhalls, and other key events, furthering your understanding and of the process and procedure of these.

Annual HOA Fee

In accordance with Schedule 2 of the "Contract for Sale & Purchase of Land" Agreement between every Property Owner & GDL, the SEHOA levies an annual fee (that is compulsory) to all Property Owners within the estate in order to effectively carry out the objectives of the SEHOA.

The fee is rateably apportioned such that all costs are adequately covered and bared by all.

In signing this agreement and purchasing property within Skyview Estate, ALL property owners have agreed to pay the annual levy.

“There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work towards the same goals”

Idowu Koyenikan